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"I have the pleasure to use your software from 2004, and thanks to that, my group had the opportunity to explore many issues in clinical oncology. I am a doctor (not a statistician) and I have to say that the software is really simple (especially v. 2.0), fast‐to‐use, and really easy to understand for anyone who wants to use it. We currently prefer CMA 2.0 to other free software given the mentioned features. Actually, I have no drawbacks to stress, I am really friendly in using your software right now."

Emilio Bria

"The CMA program has been invaluable to us and greatly sped up the generation of a number of metaanalyses that we have conducted. It is actually user‐friendly (a compliment I rarely make!), has all the needed key features and is a pleasure to use. Not only that, Dr. Borentein was very helpful and responsive when we needed help. Thank you!"

Wolfgang Linden - Professor in Clinical psychology, University of British Columbia

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Umfassende Meta-Analyse


Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (CMA) ist ein leistungsstarkes Computerprogramm für Meta-Analysen. Das Programm verbindet Benutzerfreundlichkeit mit einer breiten Palette von Berechnungsoptionen und anspruchsvollen Grafiken.