

  • Windows 7 oder höher
  • 32-Bit oder 64-Bit


  • XGA oder höher


  • Nicht relevant.


  • 25 MB (ENGLISCH)


  • Um das Programm auf einem Mac auszuführen, ist ein Windows-Emulator erforderlich, z. B. Parallels(Installationsdemo) oder Bootcamp.
    Die Verwendung von Wine oder CrossOver wird nicht empfohlen.

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Umfassende Meta-Analyse


Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (CMA) ist ein leistungsstarkes Computerprogramm für Meta-Analysen. Das Programm verbindet Benutzerfreundlichkeit mit einer breiten Palette von Berechnungsoptionen und anspruchsvollen Grafiken.

arbeitende Menschen
Umfassende Meta-Analyse

10-Tage-Testversion herunterladen

"Comprehensive Meta‐Analysis Version 2 is really an easy‐to‐use software. It offers you a broad range of statistical, analytical and graphic capabilities to ensure valid meta‐analysis. It is accompanied by a selfexplanatory manual and tutorial. For anyone considering a faster and complete performance of metaanalysis, this software would be a clear first choice. In addition, the book and the online course “Introduction to Meta‐analysis” have been ideal resources in my case, for a complete understanding of this approach. Both strongly recommendable…!!!."

Dr. Miguel Santibáñez Margüello, M.D., PhD - Researching Support Unit, IFIMAV – Fundación Marques de Valdecilla, Cantabria University, Nurse School, Santander Spain

"CMA is a formidable tool for conducting sophisticated meta‐analyses in the domain of cognitive and behavioral sciences. As an early adapter of CMA I am still amazed about its flexibility in data storing, data processing, and its many options for validity checks of meta‐analytic outcomes such as trim‐and‐fill and other state‐of‐the‐art ways to test the influence of unpublished papers. The flexibility of CMA to exchange data with Excel, SPSS, and other statistical software is a major asset. I also taught courses on meta‐analysis with the student version of CMA available for the graduate students, and it has been a real success as CMA makes meta‐analysis transparent as well as motivating for students with a basic training in statistics."

Marinus H. van IJzendoorn - Centre for Child and Family Studies, Rommert Casimir Institute of Developmental Psychopathology, Institute of Education and Child Studies, Leiden University, The Netherlands