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"I have really enjoyed using the CMA software. Comprehensive Meta‐Analysis makes performing a metaanalysis incredibly straightforward. There are numerous options for data analysis and presentation of results. The software was easy to learn, the tutorials were truly useful, and the staff at CMA were always helpful. My meta‐analysis using your software has recently been published – Calcif Tissue Int. 2010 Sep;87(3):193‐202. Epub 2010 Jun 15."

Dr. Emily Dodwell, MD, FRCSC - Clinical Fellow, Orthopedic Surgery, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto

"The meta‐analysis program is easy to use and provides me with information that would be hard to get by any other means. I analyze a lot of data and, believe it or not, use the meta‐analysis program every day. I am not a statistician, but the results I produce have routinely been verified by statistical consultants costing large amounts for their confirmatory analyses. Without verification, I have used the results to make important decisions regarding a potential billion dollar a year product. At night I wonder, “What would I have done without this great program.”"

Louis Fabre MD, PhD - Chairman, Fabre‐Kramer Pharmaceuticals Inc.

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Umfassende Meta-Analyse


Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (CMA) ist ein leistungsstarkes Computerprogramm für Meta-Analysen. Das Programm verbindet Benutzerfreundlichkeit mit einer breiten Palette von Berechnungsoptionen und anspruchsvollen Grafiken.