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Wie zitiere ich Comprehensive Meta Analysis Version 4?

Umfassende Meta-Analyse Version 4
Borenstein, M., Hedges, L., Higgins, J., & Rothstein, H.
Biostat, Englewood, NJ 2022

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Umfassende Meta-Analyse


Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (CMA) ist ein leistungsstarkes Computerprogramm für Meta-Analysen. Das Programm verbindet Benutzerfreundlichkeit mit einer breiten Palette von Berechnungsoptionen und anspruchsvollen Grafiken.

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Umfassende Meta-Analyse

10-Tage-Testversion herunterladen

"I have been using Comprehensive Meta‐Analysis for more than three years and have finished a dozen meta‐analyses with this software. The biggest advantage is that it’s easy to perform and manage the analysis. Studies can be added or removed from the analysis without modifying the data. There are a variety of effect‐size measures, including treatment difference, odds ratios, rate differences, correlations, etc. The diagnosis and transformation of the effect size is just one click away. The highquality forest plot and comprehensive meta‐regression distinguished this software from others."

Rong Zhou, PhD - Senior Biostatistician, Medpace, Cincinnati, Ohio

"I can confirm that comprehensive meta‐analysis is a very valuable tool for analyzing data. In one of my most important publications the use of forest plots constructed with Comprehensive Meta‐analysis has contributed to the success of this article. As a clinician my statistical background is not as strong as I would like it to be. However, using CMA is very straightforward and I was able to astonish my epidemiologist co‐author. I can recommend Comprehensive Meta‐Analysis to any clinical researcher."

Harm J T Rutten, MD, PhD, FRCS (London) - Head, Department Surgical Oncology, Catharina Hospital, Eindhoven, The Netherlands