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"Comprehensive Meta‐Analysis software is like a magic wand. The simple and clear interface (like an Excel sheet) will guide you to do complicated meta‐analysis within only a few clicks. The comprehensive formats included in the software allow researchers to input the data in various ways. It provides clear outputs and high‐resolution graphs which can be imported to Microsoft Word. I especially love the feature that shows you the calculation steps so you can check whether you’ve run it correctly. It also provides advanced sub‐group analysis, moderator analysis, meta‐regression, and publication‐bias analysis. This software is a lifesaver! Meta‐analysis becomes very easy with the help of Comprehensive Meta‐Analysis. I am sure I will use this software for upcoming meta‐analyses in the future."

Jih‐Hsuan Lin (Tammy), Ph.D. Candidate - Media and Information Studies Program, Department of Telecommunication, Information Studies and Media, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI

"The program was easy to understand and exceptionally helpful for a non‐statistician doing metaanalyses. I encourage anyone who is interested in doing a meta‐analysis to test the software and see its power. The program has allowed me to publish important data in top‐tiered medical journals."

Jeffrey S. Berger, MD, MS, FACC - Assistant Professor of Medicine (Cardiology and Hematology), Assistant Professor of Surgery (Vascular Surgery), Director of Cardiovascular Thrombosis, New York University School of Medicine